After my plane landed in LAX, I shared the experience of millions of other international travellers who arrive in the US to be met by an aggressive border officer whose monosyllabic tone failed to mask the contempt he held for me. America is known for its great national contradictions, but it is a real shame […]
The first thing that hits you when you arrive in the city is the sheer size of the place. Seoul is a city of over 25 million people – and you can tell. In many city centres tourists don’t need public transport to get around. Here, walking between stations often feels like a trek. Although […]
Kuala Lumpur
In my mind, Kuala Lumpur has always conjured up images of a distant and exotic land. Perhaps it’s because of the name’s similarity with koala bears. Or maybe it’s my childhood memories of watching athletes perform at the 1998 Commonwealth Games in the city, a faraway land I couldn’t place on the map. Consequently, it’s […]
I didn’t do much research prior to my trip and I arrived in Singapore expecting to find a sterile city filled with regulations, epitomized by its stringent anti-chewing gum legislation. As a consequence of my parents moving to Hong Kong a few years ago, I have spent considerable time there and I’m aware that Singapore’s recent […]